Friday, 31 August 2018

Eva Braun

For our topic The Boy in Striped Pyjamas We have been focusing on World War II. One activity was to make a slide on Eva Braun (Hitlers Wife). I got some information about her and I put it on a slide.
Here it is.


Friday, 24 August 2018

Fake Facebook page the boy in striped pyjamas.

Fake Facebook page
I had to make a boy in striped pyjamas face book page for one of the characters. I chose the Bruno's dad. We also had to give them friends from another book. I gave him Voldemort and Darth Vader were two of his friends.

Fake Facebook page

Friday, 10 August 2018


On Wednesday I represented Grey Main School at West-A-Maths. This was a privilege and I have earnt my West-A-Maths digital badge.