Friday 8 March 2019

Book Review

Book Review

This week I have decided to write a book review about a book I like. So I decided to write it about Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse. 
Its a book about Greek Mythology and Greek Gods. It is the 3 in its series. The main character is a Son of Poseidon (god of the sea) named Percy Jackson. Some of Persys friends get given a quest to save Artemis (the goddess of the hunt) and he decides that he wants to go to. He secretly follows the team on a pegasy (a winged horse) named Black Jack. I think this a fantastic book and if you read it you will learn a little about the gods too. I think that if you like mythology, stories or legends that you will love this .

1 comment:

  1. Hi Morgan Oliver here from T2. I Really Liked the Honesty that you put into this review. In fact this book sounds so good I might even read it!
    Keep up the awesome work
    Yours Sincerely Oliver


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